Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Evolution Of Racism And Discrimination Essay - 1381 Words

Antione Crawford Soc101 Mid-Term Essay The Evolution of Racism and Discrimination We live in a society where categorization is introduced to us at an early age: when we go grocery shopping, we find fruits labeled at different prices based of their varying origins; when you are introduced to new people, you’ll run into that person who kicks off the conversation by asking what astrological symbol you are. A random question? Not really, as soon as you respond with a â€Å"Gemini† or Capricorn† then you are automatically pigeon-holed into that class of person. â€Å"Oh so you’re outgoing, passionate, and an intelligent person? We’d have great compatibility!† For all they know, you’re a polar opposite of that immediate categorization you’ve just been given based off a symbol, or word, or color. While categories don’t physically harm an individual, it has a detrimental impact on the progression of society as a whole. Categories such as race, class, and gender seemed to be placed into rankings, where becomes more dominant than the other. This opens the door for discrimination and inequalities to be utilized by those in a position of privilege. One could blame our ever-evolving social media and entertainment outlets like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat for this process which all subjugate users to some implemented form of ranking/popularity system. But to understand the situation in order to change it, we first need tools that help us interpret how racism and discrimination are plantedShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of Racism And Discrimination Essay1182 Words   |  5 Pages The Evolution of Racism and Discrimination We live in a society where categorization is introduced to us at an early age: when we go grocery shopping, we find fruits labeled at different prices based of their varying origins; when you are introduced to new people, you’ll run into that person who kicks off the conversation by asking what astrological symbol you are. A random question? Not really, as soon as you respond with a â€Å"Gemini† or Capricorn† then you are automatically pigeon-holed into thatRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism989 Words   |  4 PagesRacism in America Racism discrimination has been one of our society’s most horrible social problems. 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